Sobre mi

The Fine Life team led by Zan Molko, Real Estate Broker, ABR, CBW, ASP, ASA. of Harvey Kalles Real Estate Ltd. What we imagine you want... You want client-oriented real estate advisors, like us, to invest our time consulting, negotiating and organizing the details of your transaction because we know you want to have the type of experience that compels you to introduce us to the people that you care about.

Horari del dia laborable

Dia Temps
Dilluns 11:00AM - 08:00PM
Dimarts 11:00AM - 08:00PM
Dimecres 09:15AM - 08:00PM
Dijous 10:00AM - 04:00PM
Divendres 11:00AM - 04:00PM

Hores de cap de setmana

Weekend Temps
Dissabte 08:00AM - 04:00PM
Diumenge 08:00AM - 04:00PM